Product Name: NuDerma authentic
Pure NuDerma Natural Dermal Cell Energy Amplification Sytem NuDerma Portable Handheld High Frequency Skin Therapy Wand Machine w/Neon – Anti-Aging - Skin Tightening - Wrinkle Reducing - Dark Circles – Blemish Control - Hair & Scalp Stimulator Complete Skin Care authentic System - Adeonsine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) is the universal currency for energy in all cells of the human body. As we age ATP production slows which can lead to the outward signs of aging. Sagging skin, hair loss, age spots are other skin imperfections are the hallmark signs of decreased cell activity due to aging. The NuDerma Skin Wand amplifies cell turnover by supercharging ATP synthesis to slow, halt and ultimately reverse the aging process leading to firmer younger skin. Anti-Aging Neon Applicators – The four included Neon powered applicators deliver targeted skin boosting benefits, no matter your skin type. High Frequency sessions energize and oxygenate the skin to increase cellular activity - It's like a workout for your skin.