Product Name: Train table.Wooden Track authentic & Trains. Addin
Train table with tons of wooden tracks. Wooden & magnetic trains, cars, carts, signs, etc. Two big crains that manually cranks & has a magnetic at the end of the rope. Couple of bridges. Turn table. The top that has the art on it can be flipped to the back side & therefore the table can be used for many other things. Such as arts and crafts, playing with other toys, used as a desk, etc. Then you can flip it back upside & you don't have to put tracks on it. Can be used with little cars or characters and so on. I'm going to add a few Thomas the Tank Engine, wooden & magnetic, collectable trains of Thomas & other characters. And a couple Thomas books. Dimensions are approximately 4ft long, 2' authentic wide & 1'x6" tall.