Product Name: Vintage First Edition Set: Science and authentic Psychoanalysis Series, Jules H Masserman
Science and Psychoanalysis Series Edited by Jules H Masserman M.D, Volumes II, III, XII, XIII, XVI, XVIII, XX, XXI published (1959-1972) by Grune & Stratton, Inc (Lib Cong. 58-8009) – all are First Editions 8 Volume Collection: Science and Psychoanalysis: Individual and Familial Dynamics 1959 Volume II Science and Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalysis and Human Values authentic 1960 Volume III Science and Psychoanalysis: Animal and Humant1968 Volume XII Science and Psychoanalysis: Dynamics and Dissent 1968tVolume XIII Science and Psychoanalysis: The Dynamics of Work and Marriage 1970 Volume XVI Science and Psychoanalysis: Techniques of Therapy 1971 Volume XVIII Science and Psychoanalysis: The Dynamics of Power 1972 Volume XX Science and Psychoanalysis: Research and Relevance 1972 Volume XXI The books are all in good+ condition with volume XXI qualifying as very good. The first 7 all have faded splines, but tight bindings, minimal foxing, and no page markings except for the front endpapers of each ha.