Product Name: Molekule Air Mini + Air authentic Purifier
Original Price : $400+ State of authentic the Art Air Purifier that really does it's job. It's at the top of the food chain when it comes to air purifiers, killing viruses, bacteria, and allergens in the air. You can feel it's effects of freshening the air especially when standing up close. It uses new age PECO technology, Photo Electro-Chemical Oxidation (PECO) nanotechnology, to execute this. FDA-cleared to destroy viruses & use as a medical device. Also useful against Co-vid19. Absolutely love this air filter! I've just been unable to use it. The air is so fresh in our new place, we haven't had a chance to use it. Only used a few times since moving. It works very well in small rooms, bedrooms, and dens up to 250 sq Ft. Hi.